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MicPy provides several approaches to read data from MICRESS binary files. You can read all fields, specific fields by index, or fields based on a condition. Below are examples demonstrating the available options.

Return Type

The read() method returns a Series object irrespective of the number of fields read. In particular, if you read a single field, the result is still a Series object of shape (1, z, y, x).

Reading All Fields

To read all fields from a binary file, you can use the read() method without any arguments.

from micpy import bin

with bin.File("A001_Delta_Gamma.conc1") as file:
    series =

Reading a Single Field

If you want to read a specific field by its index, you can pass the index as an argument to the read() method. For example, the following code reads the 10th field.

from micpy import bin

with bin.File("A001_Delta_Gamma.conc1") as file:
    series =

Reading Multiple Fields

You can also read multiple fields by providing a slice or list of indices to the read() method. For example, the following code reads the first, second, second-to-last, and last fields.

from micpy import bin

with bin.File("A001_Delta_Gamma.conc1") as file:
    series =[0, 1, -2, -1])

Reading Fields Based on a Condition

For more advanced use cases, MicPy allows you to read fields based on a condition. The condition is a lambda function that takes a field as an argument and returns a boolean value. If the function returns True, the field is included in the result; otherwise, it is excluded. Below is an example that reads fields with a time between 10 and 20.

from micpy import bin

with bin.File("A001_Delta_Gamma.conc1") as file:
    condition = lambda field: field.time >= 10 and field.time < 20
    series =



A binary file.


Read a series of fields from the file.


Name Type Description Default
key Union[int, slice, list, Callable[[Field], bool]]

Key to list of



Type Description

Series of fields.