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Context Manager

MicPy supports the use of context managers to handle files more efficiently. Using a context manager ensures that the file is properly closed after operations, even if an error occurs.

To use a context manager with a binary file, you can open the file using the with statement.

from micpy import bin

with bin.File("A001_Delta_Gamma.conc1") as file:
    series =

In this example, the File object is created and opened within the with block. After the block is executed, the file is automatically closed, releasing any resources associated with it. Note that this also applies to the file index and may affect performance.

Performance Considerations

A consequence of using a context manager is that the file index is automatically deleted when the with block ends. This requires the library to recreate the index the next time the file is opened, which can be time-consuming for large files. If you anticipate needing to access the file multiple times, it might be more efficient to manually open and close the file as described in the introduction.