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Name Description Example section
T00_01_BinaryGlobulitic_E_2D_Lin Globulitic growth of a single solid phase from the liquid of a binary alloy
T00_02_Binary_E_Globulitic_2D_TQ Primary globulitic growth and final eutectic solidification in a binary alloy with initially hypoeutectic concentration.
T00_03_Binary_E_HypoEutectic_2D_Lin Primary globulitic growth and final eutectic solidification in a binary alloy with eutectic phase diagram and initially hypoeutectic concentration
T00_04_Binary_E_HypoEutecticEff_2D_Lin ... with linearised phase diagrams
T00_05_Binary_D_Eutectic_2D_Lin Directional eutectic growth of a binary alloy in temperature gradient
T01_01_AlCu_E_Dendritic_2D_Lin Primary dendritic growth of (Al)-fcc phase from Liquid in Cu
T01_02_AlCu_E_Dendritic_2D_TQ ... with TQ aluminium-copper
T01_03_AlCu_E_HypoEutectic_2D_TQ Primary dendritic growth of (Al)-fcc phase from Liquid in Cu and subsequent eutectic growth of AlCu-theta phase
T01_04_AlCu_E_HypoEutecticEff_2D_TQ Primary dendritic growth of (Al)-fcc phase from Liquid in Cu and subsequent unresolved eutectic growth of AlCu-theta phase
T01_05_AlCu_E_Temp1d_2D_TQ Primary dendritic growth of (Al)-fcc phase from Liquid in Cu and subsequent unresolved eutectic growth of AlCu-theta phase
T01_06_AlCu_D_Dendrites_2D_Lin Directional growth of primary (Al)-fcc dendrites from Liquid in Cu
T01_07_AlCu_D_Dendrites_2D_TQ ... with TQ aluminium-copper
T01_10_AlSi_E_HypoEutecticEff_2D_Lin Primary dendritic growth of (Al)-fcc phase from Liquid in Si. Subsequent unresolved eutectic growth of Si-Diamond phase starts by heterogeneous nucleation in the melt.
T01_20_AlNi_D_DendriteTip_2D_Lin Isothermal free growth of primary (Al)-fcc dendrite from undercooled liquid in Al-3.5wt% Ni
T02_01_FeCMn_D_DeltaGamma_2D_TQ Directional growth of half a primary delta-ferrite dendrite from the liquid of hyopeutectic Fe-0.25 wt C - 1 wt% Mn
T02_20_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaIsotherm_2D_Lin Alpha-Ferrite nucleates and grows from undercooled isothermal gamma-austenite grain structure in Fe-0.1 wt%C- 1wt% Mn gamma-alpha
T02_21_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaIsotherm_2D_TQ ... with TQ gamma-alpha
T02_22_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaIsothermPara_2D_TQ Alpha-Ferrite nucleates and grows from undercooled isothermal gamma-austenite grain structure in Fe-0.1 wt%C- 1wt% Mn. Mn is modelled with para-equilibrium conditions. gamma-alpha
T02_23_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaIsothermParaTQ_2D_Lin ... with linearised phase diagrams gamma-alpha
T02_24_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaCementite_2D_TQ Alpha-ferrite nucleates and grows from gamma-austenite grain structure during cooling of Fe-0.25 wt%C- 0.174 wt% Mn. Towards the end of the transition cementite nucleates on alpha-gamma interfaces. gamma-alpha
T02_25_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaCementite_2D_TQ+Lin ... with lin. phase diagram for cementite using linTQ option gamma-alpha
T02_26_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaPearliteEff_2D_TQ ... with the coupled eutectoid growth of cementide and ferrite (pearlite) modelled as diffuse 'unresolved' region gamma-alpha
T02_27_FeCMn_E_GammaAlphaIsothermStress_2D_TQ Evaluation of stress distribution during Alpha-Ferrite nucleation and growth from undercooled isothermal gamma-austenite grain structure in Fe - 0.1wt% C - 1.5wt% Mn
T02_30_FeC_E_GammaAlphaAcicularA_2D_Lin Alpha-ferrite nucleates with special-orientation relationship to gamma-austenite parent grains in Fe-0.1 wt%C rows and then grows with strong anisotropy. Illustration of different ways how to use crystallographic symmetry, special orientation relationship and anisotropy.
T02_31_FeC_E_GammaAlphaAcicularB_2D_Lin ... gamma-alpha
T02_50_FeCMnPSi_PhosphorPeak_1D_TQ --- phosphor-peak
T02_51_FeCMnPSi_PhosphorPeak_2D_TQ --- phosphor-peak
T02_60_FeCSi_E_CastIronNodule_3D_TQ Slightly hyper-eutectic FeCSi-alloy: graphite nucleates in the center of the domain. Nodular growth is modelled by 25 facets.
T02_61_FeCSi_E_CastIronDendriteNodules_3D_TQ Slightly hypo-eutectic FeCSi-alloy: austenite dendrite nulceates in a corner of the domain. Graphite nucleates on distributed seeds.
T02_63_FeCSi_E_CastIronHeatDiffusion_3D_TQ ... with process conditions modelled with heat diffusion
T02_64_FeCSi_E_CastIronNodule_2D ... modelled in 2D. Graphite nucleates in the center of the domain. Eutectic austenite nucleates on graphite Eutectic austenite nucleates on graphite. Eutectoid ferrite nucleates on interface of graphite and austenite.
T02_65_FeCSi_E_CastIronDendriteNodules_2D_TQ ... modelled in 2D. Austenite dendrite nulceates in a corner of the domain. Graphite nucleates on distributed seeds. Eutectic austenite nucleates on graphite. Eutectoid ferrite nucleates on interface of graphite and austenite.
T03_01_MgAl6_D_Dendritic_2D_Lin Directional growth of Mg-HCP phase from liquid in Mg-6 wt% Al
T03_02_MgAl6_D_Dendritic_2D_TQ ... using database.
T03_03_MgAl6_E_Dendritic_2D_Lin Equi-axed solidification of Mg-HCP phase from liquid in Mg-6 wt% Al
T03_04_MgAl6_E_Dendritic_2D_TQ ... using database and latent heat release.
T03_05_MgAl6_Anisotropy_HCP_3D_TQ ... modelled in 3D.
T10_01_GrainGrowth_2D Normal grain growth grain-growth
T10_02_GrainGrowthMisorientation_2D ... with misorientation considered
T10_03_GrainGrowth_3D Ideal isothermal 3D grain growth (starting from 400 grains)
T10_04_GrainGrowthMisorientation_3D Anisotropic isothermal 3D grain growth (200 grains) grain-growth
T10_05_SubGrainGrowth_2D Evolution of two grains with different density of subgrains considering misorientation.
T10_11_GrainGrowthInitialFromFile_2D 2D grain growth starting with initial structure read from file grain-growth
T10_20_GrainGrowthTempProfiles_2D 2D grain growth starting with vertical temperature profiles and temperature dependent mobility data read from file grain-growth
T10_30_GrainGrowthPinning_2D 2D grain growth with particle pinning starting with an initial structure read from file grain-growth
T10_40_GrainGrowthSoluteDrag_2D 2D grain growth with "solute_drag" option and initial structure read from file grain-growth
T10_41_GrainGrowthDGDependentMobility_2D 2D grain growth with "dg_dependent" option for mobility and initial structure read from file grain-growth
T11_01_ReXDeterministic ---
T11_02_ReXRandom ---
T11_03_ReXLocalHumphreys ---
T11_04_ReXLocalRecovery ---
T11_05_ReXMeanDislocation ---
T20_01_Stress_2D ---
T30_01_FlowCylinderLaminar --- flow
T40_01_Temperature_2D Evolution of grains with different curvature at constant undercooling
T50_10_GrowthFiniteMobilityATCMobCorr_1D_Lin ---
T50_11_GrowthFiniteMobilityNoATCMobCorr_1D_Lin ---
T51_01_AnisotropyFacettedGrain Uncoupled growth of single facetted grain - this example can be used to test different combinations of facet vector.
T51_02_AnisotropyFacettedGrains Uncoupled growth of 5 facetted grains with different grain orientation - this example can be used to test different combinations of facet vector and their numerical resolution.
T51_03_AnisotropyDendriteCubic_2D_Lin Diffusion controlled growth of dendrite with cubic anisotropy in 2D taking advantage of the crystallographic symmetry (¼ dendrite)
T51_10_NucleationSeedDensityLogN1 Nucleation-model: seed density with logNormal1 option
T51_11_NucleationSeedDensityLogN2 Nucleation-model: seed density with logNormal2 option
T51_12_NucleationSeedDensityClass Nucleation-model: seed density by given seed density classes


Download Description Example section
B001_1D_ConstantDrivingForce 1D solid/liquid front with constant velocity
B002_1D_ConstantDrivingForce_MovingFrame 1D solid/liquid front with constant velocity. Global CO-system moves controlled by constant distance of the solid phase to the top
B003_1Grain_GrowthFromLiquid 2D circular grain of phase 1 growing from liquid (isothermal with constant undercooling of 1 K)
B004_1Grain_GrowthFromLiquid_ZeroInitialSize An initial solid grain of zero size is located in the center of the domain. The initial growth from the liquid is then modelled using the analytical_curvature model.
B005_1Grain_RoundInverse ---
B006_1Grain_Shrinking_3D Single spherical grain shrinking due to curvature, no thermodynamic driving force.
B007_1Grain_Shrinking Single grain shrinking due to curvature (2D), no thermodynamic driving force.
B008_1Grain_Solidification_FiniteInitialSize ---
B009_2Phases_1Grain ---
B010_2Phases_DirectionalShrinking ---
B011_2Phases_DirectionalShrinking_MovingFrame Directional motion simply driven by curvature, i.e. no thermodynamic driving force applied.
B012_2Phases_DirectionalShrinking_Triple ---
B013_Liq+2Phases_Triple_Inert Only interaction between liquid and phase 1. The interface between phase 1 and phase 2 should remain straight without any impact of the triple junction.
B014_Liq+2Phases_Triple_Inert_Wetting No Interaction between liquid and phase 2. However, the interfacial energy between liquid and phase 2 is smaller than the interfacial energy between phase 1 and phase 2 which leads to wetting of phase 1 on phase 2.
B015_3Phases_Triple Interaction defined between three phases, but mobilities between phase 3 and others equals to zero. Only phase 2 is growing from phase 1 due to a constant undercooling. The interface between phase 1 and phase 2 should remain planar without any impact of the triple junction.
B016_diffusion_control 1D Interface motion controlled by diffusion in liquid. Isothermal Simulation with comoving frame, no gradient.
B017_Flow_Cylinder_Karman --- flow
B018_1D_Zener_Diffusion_Control 1D Interface motion controlled by diffusion in liquid. Validation by comparison to precise analytical solution from Zener.


Download Description Example section
A001_Delta_Gamma Directional growth of half a primary delta-ferrite dendrite from the liquid of hyopeutectic Fe-0.25 wt% C - 1 wt% Mn delta-gamma
A002_AlCu_Temp1d Equiaxed solidification of multiple Al-Cu grains aluminium-copper
A003_CastIronDendriteNodules Slightly hypoeutectic FeCSi-alloy. Austenite dendrite nucleates in a corner of the domain. Graphite nucleates on distributed seeds. Eutectic austenite nucleates on graphite.
A004_Gamma_Alpha_TQ Alpha-Ferrite nucleates and grows from undercooled isothermal gamma-austenite grain structure in Fe - 0.1wt% C - 1.5wt% Mn.
A005_Grain_Growth_Misorientation_3D ---
A006_CMSX4 ---
A007_Dendrite_AlSi_3D Equiaxed 3D Dendrite AlSi7 at 0.3 K/s cooling rate
A008_Dendrite_AlSi_3D_flow Equiaxed 3D Dendrite AlSi7 at 0.1 K/s cooling rate in forced melt flow at 1 mm/s
A009_Flow_Permeability --- flow
A011_Flow_Readfrac ---
A013_GammaAlphaPearlite_TQ Hypo-eutectoid FeCMn-alloy. Ferrite nucleates at austenitic grain boundaries. System is cooled down with constant heat extraction rate while latent heat is released.
A014_CMSX4_Rafting 6h Ripening + 10 h rafting of gammaprime in CMSX4
A015_AlSiMg_Unresolved --- eutectic phase
A016_NiAlMo_Cubic_Precipitate_3D ---
A017_M247_Additive_constGV An already liquid layer of CM247LC powder (30 microns thick) is solidified under constant thermal gradient and cooling rate.
A018_Al4Cu_Additive_Rosenthal An solid homogeneous layer of Al4Cu (as single fcc-phase, virtually representing the base metal plus powder layer) is heated from the top assuming thermal conditions of an (arbitrary) heat source ("Rosenthal solution").
A019_01_MgAl6_D_Dendritic_3D_Lin Directional solidification of Mg-HCP phase from liquid in Mg-6 wt% Al
A019_01_MgAl6_D_Dendritic_3D_Lin Equi-axed solidification of Mg-HCP phase from liquid in Mg-6 wt% Al
A020_CastIronDendriteNodulesBCC_3D_TQ Slightly hypo-eutectic FeCSi-alloy. Austenite dendrite nucleates in a corner of the domain. Graphite nucleates on distributed seeds.Nodular growth is modelled by 25 facets. Eutectic austenite nucleates on graphite.
Eutectoid ferrite nucleates on interface of graphite and austenite